Monday, May 08, 2006


Our emotions are interesting 'things'...Thinking about Jung and the collective archetypes...and philosophy, and me.
Right now I 'm feeling quite the fling machine - casting myself across the universe, (or, more specifically, some place in, let's say, Germany). My polarities are running strong; the whole Pisces Sun/Leo Moon thing is shining so brightly it's making my eyes and head hurt...I run so damn contrary.
Back to the emotions....How can someone experience such incredible variances and occurances within one's inner soul and not have any sensual (real/corporal) relationships in reality, manifest?
Words, and the emotions they can generate, are heady things...they have the power to afix a reality that may be only present in one's mind - nevertheless, a reality of sort. I run into real issues about that reality - what does it MEAN? What do those experiences, singular and static, have to do with the sensual/real? Are THEY real? Maybe it's just a 'wired the same way' thing - common bonds that you may find relate to another's bonds - what is the meaning of the commonality?
Why do I insist on finding meaning where none may exist? Why am I not happy to discover those emotions just within myself - looking instead always outward the other, to the hoped for transcendence with the other, instead of using them to transcend my only self?

I think Jung saw the result of living in this subject reality, way too far living in it, as a form of disease, mental disease - neurosis. But again, it's being to far out to one 'side' - too far into the emotions, as opposed to too far into the real/pragmatic - uncaring, hard, cold type of diseases.

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