Monday, December 24, 2012

I had a wonderful dream last night...

even with all the family stuff I'm dealing with these holidays (my son had to go the emergency room last night, my daughter's girlfriend is staying with us for a month, etc.), I had a wonderful and inspiring dream last night. It was about falling in love. I awoke practically singing the praises of falling in love, and essentially, the dream was saying it's all about the journey, not the destination. (This may seem ho-hum to you more self-knowledgeable types, but to me, it's like finding a lost item that you had years ago in your wallet!) I have long pined for endings that eluded me, with a why-me attitude to figure out I have had the lack of long-lived stable, emotionally fulfilling relationships in my life. This morning, after the dream, I told myself that maybe it (the cause of some of my pain) was that I was concentrating on the 'wrong' things to desire from relationships in my life (like the 1000% unrequited love feeling I get when I think of M). Maybe, instead of wallowing in the self-pity, or in the introspective why game thing I can also get tangled up in, I need to concentrate on the journey part; the fun of deciding on where to go, getting a ticket, the hysterically reverent and funny laughter of taking the ride together, the intense feeling of being so tied and close to someone that it takes your breath away; those kind of feelings! Instead of concentrating on the destination (and in my case, the oftentimes disastrous destination), enjoy, reflect on, remember, relish the journey instead! The connectedness, the intimacy, the adventure! All that juicy good stuff that I usually forget when I can't seem to achieve the exact cessation of my desire to become one with someone else forever (ha!) - so let that go, March! Just let the concentration and focus on the desination stuff go! Keep yourself open to the possibilities of wholesome, natural, fun, and the closeness with someone else for the journey. Concentrate on the journey! I was also thinking that now it's the time in my life to concentrate on the jour again...with pleasure!

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