In the process of reading a number of book reviews and stories about the authors lives, I wondered if my journal keeping makes me a writer. In the I-can-make-become-a-published-author way, in the would-anyone-ant-to-read-this? way.
I've kept a journal, one and off (but mostly on) for over 30 years now. Wowser, that astonishes even me.
(As usual, it's early morning and I'm writing this, trying to have concentrated 'private' time (which is funny within itself because this is a public blog after all and it's certainly not private!). Parts of my family are awake and walking around, which generates a resentment in me about not having any privacy or time to myself any more)...
Back to the journal; There were some gaps in those 30 + years, of course. I don't think I wrote much around the time the boys were born...WAY too busy to write! I feel I am more prolific when I can be more reflective; but that's common, right?
I scanned and uploaded some of my Singulation stuff into this blog too, and my next project is to scan and upload all my weekly menus that I usually tack onto the fridge each week, as a shopping list, and to give the family an idea about what we are going to eat over the next few days. For some reason, these menus also help me think of new meals to make too.