Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Updating the Table/Continuum

OK -
Maybe mind isn't the all and backdrop, maybe human consciousness is just one side of the continuum - on the Quantum side of the table, and that would put NATURE on the Classical side.

So from the microworld, moving forward to the macroworld view = nature is classical, large, gravity/gravitational effects, slower.

And on the other side = mind is quantum, faster, etc.

Reading: The Undivided Universe - David Bohm and B.J. Hiley

And from E. Schrodinger's What is Life? essays; The only possible alternative is simply to keep to the immediate experience that consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown; that there is only one thing and that, what seems to be a plurality, is merely a series of different aspects of this one thing, produced by a deception (the Indian MAJA); the same illusion is produced in a gallery of mirrors, and in the same way Gaurisankar and Mt. Everest turned out to be the same peak seen from different valleys".

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