Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ego death or change

So does one does have many types of Egos? - Sexual, Parental, etc. or is there just one? What happens when your Ego dies, or it's shed like a snake skin; what's underneath, below?

I saw, in a dream last night, that the ego was like a version of geology and plate tectonics, where the Ego was akin to a continent, floating atop and around ones true self.. Each continent then could be seen as types of Egos or versions of egos, and of course in each of these continents, geological forces occasionally took over to change the lay of the land, the geography, the tiny foundation of apparent terra firma that lies below...
And thanks to J for then further extending this image to both the oceans (maybe here the image is deep and surface pieces of the ego) and to point out the addition/image of a volcano, and eruption from below to the land level of the self and the ego - what is the magma? What changes on what level are wrought by eruptions? What causes these eruptions? What's is the magma then? (That's one of the most interesting concepts to me right now...)

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