What do I want my kids to know?
I must have been remiss about making sure all my kids have all the necessary skills to be able to survive (thrive would be best) in today's world...Two of them don't really know how to shop and cook...instead of ragging on myself, I think the better idea would be to list what skills I think are necessary to have by the time you move out from your parents and are on your own.
1. How to shop economically - this is for food and everything else too
2. How to drive a stick shift
3. How to balance your financial account (god, it sounds so old-school to say checking account, so I didn't!)
4. How to cook at least 7 different meals (1 for each day of the week) during at least 3 different seasons, using local and seasonal food
5. How to fix/repair/maintain something (i.e., change the oil in your car, put together a simple bookcase (with written directions), sew a patch on something, etc.).
6. How to use a library
7. How to do laundry (sorted by color and water temperature)
8. How to ask for/find assistance/help
9. How to grow something
10. That they are important and loved, but that they aren't the center of any universe
11. That you should treat others as you want to be treated
12. Life isn't fair so stop expecting it to be (the sooner they realize this the better!)
13. How to see beauty in all things
14. Try to think positively
15. How to choose friends and be a friend
(I did some searching on the 'net on this subject, and lo and behold, I'm not the only parent thinking about this :-) From others;
16. Money doesn't influence happiness
17. All people and cultures are equally valuable
18. Travel - the world is a wonderful place; get to know it!
19. Try to do what you love
20. I really like this one, as it's oh so simple: No matter how much you know, earn or have, life is about getting along with others.
I know there are more!