Sunday, March 06, 2011

Art (and stuff) that I really don't enjoy looking at

Why is the urge so strong in me to look away (usually with either a grimace or a fake smile) when I see something (in this case, this morning, is was an artist's art (more on that specifically in a minute)) that generates or I respond to with any or all of the following emotions and thoughts;
1. embarrassing
2. doubtful
3. troubling
4. off-putting
5. overtly realistic
6. not beautiful
Beside the artist below, I even found myself looking away a few times during the play we saw last night, when there was a moment of flub-up, or a dangling awkwardness of a mis-step, etc.
Oh - The artist is Berlinde De Bruyckere, and here's some of her work
Check out the ones that look like dessicated parts of humans, or animals...yep, that kind of art and stuff do it to me.