Monday, January 18, 2010

Talking about food on the 'net

Wow! There are some really good food blogs on the 'net these days! The ones I like focus more on fresh, healthy (sometimes veggie-only) foods, and the blogs oftentimes contains scumptious pictures too. I also found that I like the blogs that give some sort of story or background to the why and how of posting a story, recipe, or image about food - a bit more focused on the intimate, juicy details. These blogs also keep with my mantra about fresh (lots of references to farmers markets!), local, primarily organic, and not the least of, seasonal.

This reminds me that I had to work this last Saturday, and I was bummed mostly because I could not do my usual Saturday routine; yard sales, followed by a visit to the Berkeley Farmer's Market
(I'll have to save my raves (and ratings) of the local farmers market's (guess who's Number One?) for another post, so to be succinct, the Berkeley FM is one of the best).

With that being said, here's a few of my favorite food blogs:

101 Cookbooks
Great photos here too (of food of course!)

The Migraineur
Strange name, I know (the blog author has a history of migraine headaches, which even includes a picture, seemingly hand-drawn, of what she sees during one of her migraines ((and believe me, as a former sufferer of migraines, the picture is eerily similar to what I used to see too!)).   But this food blog is where I got my inspiration for my Moroccan Chicken with Quince Tagine recipe, and that dish was downright spiritual to eat!

The Iron Chevsky Wine Blog
OK, not technically a food blog, but I've linked this to the posting in this blog that matters the most to me and here's why it's listed; he talks about one of my most favorite wines - a 2006 Schloss Schonborn Riesling (of course there will more on wines later (you need not have asked :-), and how could I leave out my favorite?!

[eatingclub] vancouver
 I think this one is already pretty famous - you can even get an RSS feed from this blog. Great recipes, photos that match throughout the recipe building/cooking process...overall a very enjoyable foodie blog site!

Do YOU care to share some of your favorite food blogs? I'd love to hear from anyone who would like to share their list.