Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wow! How long has it been, anyway?!

Just got on vacation yesterday, and I've already mapped out a busy agenda of TTD (Things To Do) while I'm supposedly relaxing and taking it easy. Yeah, right.
First thing I'm doing is to pare down things; I love having my knick-knacks, my books, the do-dads, my etcs. but oh boy, do I have a lot of them. AND, I'm remembering that I have another WHOLE house of then back in G'boro, so I seriously need to clear the clutter. One of the underlying issues is to figure out why this is so hard for me. Maybe it's because what I do have is very nice, unique, antique, etc. combined with getting most of these things for a song, I feel that I need to keep them, or at the very least, sell them (like on Craigslist, or if it's clothing, at Crossroads, and lastly, most of the time, at Rockridge Rags, so I can at least make some money on my cleaning house process. 

Today was rainy, all day. One of these 'things' that I have and need to get rid of or make use of, is a crap load of magazines. I have a TON of them! I love my magazines, especially considering that they are fine ones, like Bon Appetit, Dwell, Saveur, Architectural Digest. My usual process is to read through every single one, and tearing out any nice pictures, good recipes, interesting ideas, from each one THEN throw them away (recycling them of course!). I think you may already know where I am heading with this, but if you don't let me tell you; I never get through them all! What with work, cleaning, cooking, shopping, my kids, etc. yeah, when do I have the time to sit on my you-know-what and read through stacks of great treats for the eyes and mind??? Well, this vaca this project is at the top of my list.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Singulation may be a human event...

More on this later, as I'm running out the door right now, but I wanted to get this down on paper (to remind me for future discussion).

Monday, October 11, 2010

Another excellent blog...

by Maira Kalman

The Pursuit of Happiness Blog

More later on why I like this blog so much, so for now; enjoy!

Friday, July 30, 2010


Erin and me at Fenway!


Erin at the Charles River...       

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Things I Like, Part ll

Josef Frank - an artist, architect, and most importantly for me, a textile designer.

I LOVE his botanical prints...such as; 



I mean, really, what's not to like about his designs? Erin would say it's a bit busy, or too busy, but I think it adds a richness and depth that might be lacking in something more simple.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Getting Older?

or is it getting better? Today, it's def just getting older :-(

As a result of my upcoming physical exam, I went in for my bone density test this last week, and, unfortunately, I got my results back from my doctor already and I have osteoporosis.
My physical isn't until the 19th, so I have to wait to find out more information. On the good side though, I also had my mammogram last week and I'm thinking no news is good news on this one, as I've heard nothing so far. 

(Aside: I woke up at the ungodly hour of 5am, and I think I couldn't either sleep or get back to sleep because I was worried. I used to wake up this early a lot, but haven't in a couple of years.  I've forgotten how light the sky is during the summer! There was no fog up here today, and the sky seemed so light and bright that I even looked up the sunrise time to make sure I wasn't dreaming; 5:58am.)

Anyway... getting this diagnosis may very well be related to my high TSH levels in my thyroid test that I received about 8 months ago, and which I will be re-tested for this upcoming physical.  I do know that I've felt in my bones (no pun intended) that I was shrinking sometimes, and that I also knew I wasn't getting enough calcium in my diet, but then again I've always disliked drinking milk, mostly because of the way it effects my digestion. In any case, as of today, I'm going to be taking some calcium supplements, and to increase the complimentary Vitamin D intake.

Oh yeah - and I really should just stop smoking too.

More soon!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Hmmm...I never knew

Today is Dennis Gabor's birthday. Who is Gabor, one might ask? He is credited with inventing holography, that's who!
Somewhere I read that holography can be used to increase data storage, such as on a DVD. Some ungodly high terra bit figure was used an example...will post more on this sooner than later. 

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Great blogs (and sites) of interest

Love this blog! =Martini Mom

And this site; Creating fashionesta sets with cut out pics of clothes and accessories from around the 'net; so much fun! =

This one caught my eye because of Dennis Gabor, and really, a pretty catchy title = Vaudeville of exhilaration

Friday, March 19, 2010

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

keep those doggies rolling - Rawhide!

(I really don't know exactly why I just wrote that...ummm...)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Resigned, to my life at 54

Well, (a deep, dark hole, as we know) I'm 54 today. It's my birthday.

Try as I might to be chipper and all, I feel predominately portly, ineffective, lackluster, and to top it all off, resigned.

Now that I've got my melodrama out of the way; happy birthday March.

 I'll be posting another revelation about singulation here soon too. (Remember Singulation?) I'm reading a book about Color, and in the first chapter she talks about the electrons getting hit with light and how they become something else at that point, through a process called "transitions". Sounds like another word for singulation. More on this later.

Time to go out for a walk, with the dogs, before it rains again.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Erin doesn't really like to dance...

But in my dream last night, I had woken to music on my radio, and had risen to get up and dance a was a great tune; Spencer Davis Group's Gimme Some Lovin'...As I was dancing around, I saw Erin get up out of bed too, and in a one motion silent movement, she shuffled over to where I was and slowly started to join me in dancing. She was a bit thinner than she is now, and she was older too, maybe after or in college?, but she and I were either living together or she was over visiting. She's always said she didn't like dancing, and/or really didn't know how-to, dance,  but she was holding her own now, mostly doing the foot shuffling/stomping body swaying type of  dancing - kinda like how I dance, but with more fot action and no arm waving. I was proud of her just getting up like that to dance with me, and it was also just kinda cool to be dancing around with your daughter, to Spencer Davis...

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Looking at 4MAT, again

Thinking about paradigms and ways, frameworks, structures, that embrace the way we perceive, think, process, design.

I thought of 4MAT, again... (well, really, it was an article in the New Yorker that struck my thoughts...the article was about the theater, philosophy, writing, etc. of artist William Kentridge. He was talking about his early theater training and how 'There was this theater school I'd heard about in Paris, L'Ecole Jacques Lecoq, whose approach was very different from traditional forms of theater training. Instead of starting with a text, Lecoq started with movement as the basis."

Somehow, that reminded me of 4MAT, and how that design philosophy says that we begin with experience (one could also say movement too) as how we 'process' our experiences. I also begun thinking about my past training with 4MAT because work hired a ID and asessment person to come in for the last faculty retreat and her book mentioned Kolb, which mae me think about the system again. I heard that her workshop wasn't very engaging, or ? - in any case, I'm thinking about my own knowledge and training.
(A big plus in my book is that 4MAT is also very artistic and looks pretty! LOL)


Monday, January 18, 2010

Talking about food on the 'net

Wow! There are some really good food blogs on the 'net these days! The ones I like focus more on fresh, healthy (sometimes veggie-only) foods, and the blogs oftentimes contains scumptious pictures too. I also found that I like the blogs that give some sort of story or background to the why and how of posting a story, recipe, or image about food - a bit more focused on the intimate, juicy details. These blogs also keep with my mantra about fresh (lots of references to farmers markets!), local, primarily organic, and not the least of, seasonal.

This reminds me that I had to work this last Saturday, and I was bummed mostly because I could not do my usual Saturday routine; yard sales, followed by a visit to the Berkeley Farmer's Market
(I'll have to save my raves (and ratings) of the local farmers market's (guess who's Number One?) for another post, so to be succinct, the Berkeley FM is one of the best).

With that being said, here's a few of my favorite food blogs:

101 Cookbooks
Great photos here too (of food of course!)

The Migraineur
Strange name, I know (the blog author has a history of migraine headaches, which even includes a picture, seemingly hand-drawn, of what she sees during one of her migraines ((and believe me, as a former sufferer of migraines, the picture is eerily similar to what I used to see too!)).   But this food blog is where I got my inspiration for my Moroccan Chicken with Quince Tagine recipe, and that dish was downright spiritual to eat!

The Iron Chevsky Wine Blog
OK, not technically a food blog, but I've linked this to the posting in this blog that matters the most to me and here's why it's listed; he talks about one of my most favorite wines - a 2006 Schloss Schonborn Riesling (of course there will more on wines later (you need not have asked :-), and how could I leave out my favorite?!

[eatingclub] vancouver
 I think this one is already pretty famous - you can even get an RSS feed from this blog. Great recipes, photos that match throughout the recipe building/cooking process...overall a very enjoyable foodie blog site!

Do YOU care to share some of your favorite food blogs? I'd love to hear from anyone who would like to share their list.