Sunday, March 26, 2006

Me and Susan Sontag

So, Susan and I are more alike that I thought...

"Yet she was saved by an uncontrollable element in her temperament - a yearning for emotional experience, even for transcendence...she wanted to be overwhelmed, even humbled."
"She may have rejected cultural levels, but she embraced intellectual hierarchies; she wanted to know who mattered in any given art form and where people ranked."
'The ardency of her desire for genius..."

See? Just like me!!!

From the Sept. 12, 2005 New Yorker article entitled The MovieGoer by David Denby.

Friday, March 24, 2006

My dreams

1. Use the bookstore to have a 1 or 2 time a month open house/current events discussion/author talk/intellectual exersize - ala what Arthur Young used to do at his house. First two guest lecturers: Antero and Ric.

2. Open a yarn and/or fabric store

3. Open a paint-your-own pottery studio - offer free studio time to needy kids and families, funded by others

4. Teach/work with young kids again - Alice Water's Gardening in Schools program, arts and music programs, etc. Something out of the norm and arts/music/creativity oriented.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Does different mean separate?

Romantics vs the Enlightenment

Passion of the Western Mind:
"Emotion and imagination, rather than reason and perception, were of prime importance."

"The romantics gloried in the unbounded multiplicity of realities pressing in on his subjective awareness, and in the complete uniqueness of each object, event, and experience presented to his soul."

Blake as representative of the romantic view.


I was thinking there is some relationship between where you would place yourself on the continum between evolution of consciousness and perennialism and your view of (meaning) love and what your psychological/Jungian archetype is.

More on this later....

Thursday, March 02, 2006


I had this vignette type of dream over the weekend - I dreamed I was re-born. I was standing next to my re-born self, and I was a little smaller (meaning shorter and weighed less) and I had blond hair. I looked over at this self, and said 'wow', so this is me re-born! I would hardly recognize myself!