Chocolate is a drug ;-p
List of favorites - (can also be used as a legal 420)...Feel free to recommend your own favs - we have our own taste-testing almost everyday around here - my, what a wonderful place to work!
1. Frango Chocolates - Comments: The truffles are to die for - lots of butter and fat in these babies!
2. Unique Origin Varietal Chocolates - GUARANDA, Dark European 71% Cocoa (100% Arriba unblended) Comments: Very deep!
3. Hachez - Cocoa D'Arriba 77% Cocoa Mild Bitter Chocolate Comments: Very bitter, almost too much (maybe 'cause of the high cocoa content?)
4. Valor - Pure Dark Chocolate, 70% (Made in Spain) Comments: OK - just ok, not much to write home about
So I'm thinking that my taste preferences have something to do with the % of chocolate, which I would assume has something to do with the % of sugar or sweetness in them as well...umm...I guess I'll have to experiment!